Monday, 18 February 2013

New Watch Could Help Reduce Rape In India

The gang rape that happened in India on December 16th last year brought about plenty of national as well as international outrage, with the victim ending up dead. What else can be done to help offer a certain degree of protection to the girls and ladies who want to move around safely? The Indian Centre for Development of Advanced Computing is currently formulating plans to develop a new device, which they hope are able to eventually help reduce such inhumane crimes.

The first device off the bat? A possible wristwatch which is said to increase women’s safety as it will act as a SOS device, sending an alert to the local police in the form of a text message, in addition to having buttons that have been programmed to carry pre-selected numbers of family and friends. The watch itself will come with GPS capability, so that it can pinpoint the exact location of the girl when the message was sent, unless of course, she is in a place that does not have adequate coverage. It is hoped that mass production of these watches will not see its final sticker price exceed $50 to make it as affordable as possible across the board. Thing is, even if the police receive the alerts, are there enough manpower to arrive at the scene of the possible crime in time? What you see here  is meant for illustrative purposes only.

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